There may be a time when you might need to quickly change an instructor for an upcoming class. This switch will update the information for the class on the website and will update the instructor's account giving them access to start the class. 

  • Log into your Gleantap Virtual account.
  • Select Bookings > All Classes from the navigation menu

  • From the All Class page please find the class that needs to be updated and click on the actual title of the class.

  • This will bring up a pop-up window of more information associated with this class. 
  • Click the Settings tab from the pop-up window.

  • Next to Trainer you will see the current name of the instructor. Click this to open a drop-down menu with all your available instructors.
  • Select the instructor that will be subbing this class. 

  • Click Save when you are done. 
  • This will update the instructor name on your website for this specific class. It will also open access up for this instructor to start the class from their profile when logged in.