When you click on Manage>Teachers, you will be able to manage and create your teacher profiles from here. 

Across the top of the screen, you will see a black "+ Add a Teacher" button: 

  • Teacher column: This displays the profile picture and name that will be displayed on the site.
  • Contact column: This displays the email & phone number on file for the trainer. The email shown is what will be associated with their trainer account.
  • Last Access column: This displays when the trainer last logged into Gleantap. If it shows "Pending," then they have not yet taken the steps to activate their trainer account.
  • Slots column & Status columns: These display whether or not the trainer is available or not for personal 1-1 training, and if so, display the number of total slots available for bookings.
  • Action column: Edit the trainer using the pencil icon or delete the trainer using the trash icon.

If you have any questions please contact Customer Success at support@mastera.io.