Step 1: Navigate in your account to Audience - Segments. 

Step 2: Click on the green icon on the bottom right of the screen with the '+' icon. This will open up the below menu.

Step 3: Create the segment using the attributes from your third-party integration or CSV upload. 

3a: Name your segment - this is just for internal use, but you want to make sure it is something easy to pick out from a list for later usage. 

3b: Decide on type of segment - Static vs. Dynamic. 

Static = Does not update once saved. We recommend building static segments for audiences you don't want to change. 

Dynamic = Updates with new information on an ongoing basis. If you are using an integration or planning to regularly add new information to your account, a Dynamic segment will make sure that information is always as up-to-date as possible. 

3c: Criteria - This is what you use to define your segment and will be different depending on the system you are using or the attributes you have mapped to your users. Even still, some basics will be the same across the board, such as 'email,' 'phone,' 'first_name,' 'last_name,' etc. 

*In this example, we are using an integration with ABC Financial to pull data*

3d: Calculate - Find out how many people are in a segment before saving or sending. 

Step 4: Example Segments - Using the ABC system, we will create a few example segments for you to refer to when creating your own.

Example Segment: Visitors in the last 30 days.

Step 4.1: Find the attribute for visits. In this case, it is 'last_checkin,' but it might be called 'last_visit.' 

Step 4.2: Choose how to use the attribute. In this case, I used 'in the last' to pull people who visited in the last 30 days. However, as you can see from the second dropdown, I could use 'over X days ago,' 'after X date,' or 'between X and Y dates.' 

Step 4.3: Add the timeframe. In the third box, I wrote '30' to indicate I wanted to see visitors from the last 30 days.

Step 4.4: Save and continue. Now, since I set the segment as dynamic, each time someone visits, they will be added to this segment for 30 days unless they visit again.