Step 1: Create a .CSV file with the information you want to add into Gleantap. 

Step 2: Navigate to Audience - Add / Upload CSV and click on the area that says 'Drag and drop a file or click here' to select the file you want to upload. Once selected, click 'Upload.' 

Step 3: Map the columns from your CSV to the different attributes in your Gleantap account. For example, first_name is column 3, last_name is column 4, email is column 5, etc. 

See below. 

Once each column is mapped correctly, click the blue button on the bottom right marked 'Continue.'

Step 4: Review your mappings and click 'Import' if everything looks correct. 

The import process may take a few minutes depending on the size of the file. 

Step 4b: While the file is uploading, navigate to the 'Configuration' area of your account. 

Click on 'New Attribute' and add the following

Attribute name: csv_unique_code

Type: Numeric.

Hit 'Create' to add the attribute to your account. 

Step 5: Getting the code. Navigate back to Add / Upload CSV and click on the 'History' tab. This will pull up your CSV uploads and show you when yours is completed, along with a code for each. 

Take the unique code from the CSV that you just uploaded and copy it. 

Step 6: Making the segment. Navigate back to Audience - Segments and click on the green button with the '+' on the bottom right to add a new segment. 

Select from the segment dropdown list your new attribute 'csv_unique_code' and add in the code from the 'history' section that you copier earlier. It should look like this. 

Save the audience and you now have a segment of your uploaded list!