• Access the Classes tab by going to Manage>Classes.
  • Click on the add class button found on the top-right. 

  • Enter all the required details in the overview tab:
    • "Class Name" field: This is the name that will appear to members when they view the class calendar.
    • "Publish" field: Active displays the class on the calendar and Private takes down the class from the calendar (i.e. members can view and book Active classes but not Private classes).
    • "Class Type" field: Select if this class is Virtual, In-Club, or both.
    • "Frequency" field: Select Recurring if the time slots should appear for every week and One-Time if you want the class to appear on specific dates (You will set the dates/days/start & end times on the next page).
    • "Allow Drop-ins" field: Selecting Yes for this field will allow a member who hasn't purchased a membership to attend the class for a drop-in fee. After changing the drop-down to Yes, a field will appear where you will input the price.
    • "Color Tag for Class" field: Select from the default color options or select a custom color.
    • "Class Description" field: Enter the description of your class.
    • "Featured Image" field: Upload an image from your computer
  • Click the next button to access the schedule tab.

  • Enter all the required details in the Schedule tab:
    • "Day" field appears if the class is recurring: Select the day of the week the class recurs on. "Date" field appears if the class is set as one-time: Select the date that the class occurs on.
    • "From" field: Select the start time of that particular time slot.
    • "Until" field: Select the end time of that particular time slot.
    • "Trainer" field: Select the name of the trainer to be assigned for that time slot.
    • "Capacity" field: Set the booking capacity for the time slot.
    • "Type" & "Link" fields: 
      • If "Type"=Zoom & "Link" is left blank, Gleantap will generate the Zoom meeting link for you.
      • If "Type"=Zoom & "Link" is filled in with a Zoom link of your choosing, the link that you input will override the link generated by Gleantap.
      • If "Type"=Gleantap Live, the class will be hosted on our streaming platform. The "Link" field will disappear.
      • If "Type"=Other, fill in what link you want your members to be directed to when they click the Join button.
      • If "Type"=None, then ensure the class is an In-Club class, or set a pre-recorded video to appear during the time slot. View this article on how to set a pre-recorded video.
    • Click the green plus button to add another time slot.
    • To delete a class click on the trash can icon.
  • Click on the submit button when completed.

If you have any questions please contact the team at support@gleantap.com.