When you click on Manage>Classes, you will be able to manage class descriptions, time slots, and other important information you want to be displayed to your members when they view the class calendar on your site. 

Across the top of the screen, you will see additional tabs, as well as a black "+ Add Class" button:

  • All Classes tab displays the data by class:
    • "Class" column: This column displays the name of the class. Clicking on the name of any class will open up its details for editing.
    • "Days" column: This column displays the days in which you have time slots set up for members to book.
    • "Type" column: Indicates whether or not you selected the class to be an in-studio or a virtual class.
    • "Slots" column: This column displays a count of the total number of time slots available across the days you are hosting classes on.
    • "Status" column: By default, the class is set to be Active, but clicking on the Active button gives options to make the class Private or to Archive it. (Active displays the class on the calendar and Private takes down the class from the calendar).
    • "Action" column: Options to edit the class (pencil icon) or to delete the class and all of its time slots (trash icon).

  • The schedule tab displays the data by time slots, starting with Sunday. At the top of the page, there is a section to easily add a time slot to the schedule: 
    • "Start" column: This column displays the start time of that particular time slot.
    • "End" column: This column displays the end time of that particular time slot.
    • "Class" column: This column displays the name of the class. 
    • "Trainer" column: This column displays the name of the trainer assigned for that time slot.
    • "Capacity" column: This column displays the booking capacity set for the time slot.
    • "Action" column: Options to edit the time slot (pencil icon) or to delete the time slot (trash icon).

  1. Exception tab allows to block off all classes or certain classes from the calendar on certain days. This is helpful for holidays or when a trainer wants to take a day off.